
Top 5 Reasons Not to Buy Designer Replicas from DHGate

Top 5 Reasons Not to Buy Designer Replicas from DHGate Should you buy fakes from DHGate? Well, it's certainly tempting given the pricing. But the answer will depend on what's important to you. Maybe you have strong ethics. Some people prefer not to buy designer fakes because they're uncomfortable with infringing on the copyrights of their favorite designers. Or maybe you prefer quality? While it's certainly possible to find high quality replicas on DHGate, the vast majority are not made with top quality craftsmanship. Let's get into all the reasons why one would not prefer buying designer replica handbags from DHGate... Buying fakes is supporting copyright infringement. Most designer fakes don't hold up over time. Overseas shipping isn't always reliable. Someone will call you out for wearing a fake. Replica sellers can scam you. 1. Buying fakes is supporting copyright infringement. Most of the large designer houses are just nameless, faceless, corporations t

Buy this Panthere de Cartier DHGate Watch Dupe for under $75

How Cartier ever thought to price this watch at over $8,000.00, I'll never understand. No worries. DHGate to the rescue. This is the actual watch purchased from this DHGate seller  ($70). If you're mainly in it for the look (and a the logo), and you don't care about the watch being call-outable, then this is a great buy. Two tone watches  are generally elegant and a must for women with conservative and sophisticated styles. It has that look of quiet wealth (as opposed to loud or garish wealth, usually in the form of big monograms and logos). DHGate, $69.26 So, if you're worried about going on that yacht trip and having your watch called out by duchess de Eugenia (I heard she will put you on the spot !), then this watch isn't for you. You'll need a 1:1 super fake. However, if you're looking for a watch that's just enough to give you the look of understated elegance, then cop this immediately .

How to Spot Designer Scams on Poshmark

Granted, not everyone actually wants to buy a replica item. There are some folks who rather have authentic designer accessories especially when it comes to certain brands. And Poshmark can be a great platform for buying authentic designer accessories secondhand. However, when you're looking for an authentic designer accessory on Poshmark, one needs to be careful. Poshmark actually has a lot of scams on their platform. They have way more designer replicas than eBay! Here are 6 ways to spot designer replica items from scammers on Poshmark... Price is too low. Item looks like it was photographed in a high end store. Handbag has scrunched up white foam around a section of the straps or handles. The seller has multiple listings of the same designer item in their store. Authenticity card looks off. The photo of the handbag is rotated at a 45-degree angle. All photos below are from real Poshmark listings! 1. Price is too low. Even a Chanel quilted chevron bag this small is over $3.5K. So

Corteiz x Nike Air Max 95 Reps on DHGate in 3... 2... 1...

From left to right, the Corteiz Air Max 95s in "Les Bleus", "Pink Beam", and "Gulla Green". W2C the Corteiz x Nike Air Max '95? They ain't out yet. This collaboration is only as old as March 2023. By now, the factories have caught on to the hype so we should expect to see the reps right before summer... They retailed for $190 online but since they've sold out, they're reselling for $250 - $400 on the secondhand market websites like StockX and Flight Club. However, the highest-selling pair I've seen has sold on eBay for around $800 USD in the color "Gutta Green". Meanwhile, it seems the most popular color, the color everyone wants, is "Les Blue" and comes in cascading shades of anthracite grey with a blue bubble (Gridiron/Aegean Storm-Black). This is the color that has been mistakenly called "Aegean Storm" by most fans and bloggers. Without a doubt, these kicks have got the kids in a chokehold... Enthusiasm

Side by Side Comparison of Replica and Authentic AJ1 Mid in Cement Grey/True Blue/White

Honestly, when it comes to the more simpler styles like Dunks and Jordans, you can't go wrong with DHGate fakes. The details aren't very noticeable and the materials they use are standard. The authentic version is $125.00 and the 1:1 mirror image joints will run you close to the same after shipping and/or intermediary fees. Do not spend too much money on AJ1 1:1's! These are the Air Jordan 1 reps in question from DHGate... These are the $43.00 AJ1 reps from DHGate... ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Buy them here . ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------- But before you make up your mind, let's QC the comparison shots... Off the rip, the Jordan wings decal on the DHGate dupes are a little too big. The left side of the wing is nearly touching the check. That aside, I'm finding very little issues with these... In the above comparison, the color of the shoelaces on the reps is t