Fake Designer Handbags vs Authentic Handbags: The Eternal War

This discussion about getting “called out” on fakes is always fun for me. I’ve heard the best stories about women getting called out for their fakes. On the old Reddit discussion forum, r/RepLadies (now defunct), lots of women spoke about embarrassing instances where they were called out about their replicas.

However, not everyone finds being called out about their fakes embarrassing. Some people really don’t care. I actually know someone that has no problem telling people she carries fakes. She’s pretty open about it. She actually got into a terrible argument one day with her sister about fake handbags. 

She owns a replica Maxi Chanel with caviar leather in black and her sister owns the identical bag but authentic. When the sister with the fake bag (we’ll call her Tonya) showed up to lunch with her sister (we’ll call her Cheryl), they were both carrying their bags. Cheryl’s jaw dropped when Tonya told her that her own Chanel Maxi was fake. In fact, Tonya had been trying to tell Cheryl, for months, that fake handbags known as “super copies” exist and they are very much worth the high price tag (Tonya’s Chanel super copy cost $600).

Cheryl finally saw this super copy and was in awe as she inspected Tonya’s bag. She looked over the bag, thoroughly, trying to find flaws. In fact, the only flaws Cheryl could see were on the inside of the bag (replicas, including the high-end ones, typically have the most flaws on the interior).

For reference, here is an example of a high-end replica (read up on the The 3 Grades of Replica Handbag Qualities). It’s my own Chanel Maxi in lambskin leather. And when I say “high end”, I mean it’s not AAA quality. This cost $400. However, it’s not a super copy. Super copies are more expensive and more accurate than this. I purchased this one in Chinatown, NYC. But you can see how it’s not easy to distinguish from the real (scroll down to the end of the article to see more photos).

Fake Luxury Handbags vs. Authentic Bags

Back to our story…

After Cheryl admitted that Tonya’s super copy was very impressive, Tonya triumphantly exclaimed that super copy replicas were just as good as the real thing. However, Cheryl wasn’t willing to accept it. In fact, Cheryl became enraged. Cheryl could not accept that Tonya’s Chanel bag was just as good as the one she paid over $7K for. She became annoyed that Tonya wore her replica handbag proudly and considered her bag just as special as Cheryl’s.

Cheryl tried to argue that Tonya’s bag just wasn’t the same and then went on to argue that luxury handbags should be “earned” and buying replica handbags was “cheating” and “dishonest” (in what context she was referring, I’m not sure as Tonya was honest with everyone about her replica bags). Cheryl said that at the very least, buying replica handbags takes away from the experience of owning a “classic” and “elegant” handbag.

After Tonya and I talked about the argument in private, Tonya told me that she actually believes Cheryl thinks she is better than Tonya for owning an authentic Chanel. She said that Cheryl was practically foaming at the mouth at the height of their argument. Cheryl was so angry that she made somewhat of a scene at this posh outdoor restaurant, a place where you’re expected to show class and decorum, ironically.

Fake Luxury Handbags vs. Authentic Bags

Fake Luxury Handbags vs. Authentic Bags

Fake Luxury Handbags vs. Authentic Bags

Fake Luxury Handbags vs. Authentic Bags


Do you have anyone in your life, close to you, that is anti-replica? And are they aware that you own replica handbags? Or, if you do not own any replicas, do you know someone that does? Are they open about it or secretive? Do tell below!


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