Practical Reasons to Buy A Fake Hermes Birkin Bag

Practical Reasons to Buy A Fake Hermes Birkin Bag

In a previous article, I spoke about the top 5 reasons that people buy replica handbags. But for those that don't know, there are some women that purchase high end replicas not only for the style and brand-sake, but for how these bags can elevate their careers and personal lives.

I'm going to share some stories with you. I'll leave out names and try not to go into too much detail. But these are stories about why women see practical reasons for buying fakes. These two stories involve the purchase of fake Hermes Birkin Bags.

Now, when I say "fake Birkin" bag, I'm not referring to $150 fakes or even the $600 replicas that you can sometimes find on DHGate. I'm referring to the immaculate, $3,000 Birkins that are hard to find unless you do some deep-diving into Google. When I say "fake Birkins", I'm referring to super copies.

Now, I've owned a $200 fake Birkin before. It was obviously replica. The stamps were wrong, the hardware was the wrong color, handles were structured poorly, the interior was a give away, and the list goes on...

Practical Reasons to Buy A Fake Hermes Birkin Bag
Whoops... That crooked "Hermes" stamp was super embarrassing...

Practical Reasons to Buy A Fake Hermes Birkin Bag
It actually didn't look too bad from the sides (except the bent handles! Ugh!)

But the kinds of replica Birkins I'm referring to were not like the one shown above. They are expertly crafted and difficult to tell apart from the real unless you disassembled the bag...
Practical Reasons to Buy A Fake Hermes Birkin Bag

... Because, as I mentioned before, these super copies are the best of the best. They're made with the highest quality textiles and hardware.

Practical Reasons to Buy A Fake Hermes Birkin Bag

Reason 1: Use a fake Birkin to schmooze your way into a "higher" circle.

When I was still living in New York City, I met a woman was who 31 (I was around 25 at the time). She was incredibly ambitious and focused on her career. I was more or less a bit of a drifter but we did share one hobby: collecting mirror image replicas. And for the purposes of protecting her identity, we'll call her Marsha.

Without giving away too much information about exactly how we met or discovered that we both loved fakes, I'll say that both our secrets came out. We became friends and would meet up for lunch or dinner in the city and talk about our personal lives and of course, replica handbags.

Practical Reasons to Buy A Fake Hermes Birkin Bag

At the time, Marsha was hard at work trying to secure a new job for herself. She was cunning, figuring out any and every angle that would get her the position at this particular company she wanted to work for. She knew a few of the employees that worked at this new company (I'll say that the new company was located in the financial district). Through one of her acquaintances at this company, she managed to get tickets to a conference in their industry. There, she planned to network and shakes hands with as many higher-ups that could get her into the company.

The conference came around and Marsha met what you could consider a VIP at the company: the wife of the CFO.

Practical Reasons to Buy A Fake Hermes Birkin Bag

When Marsha met the CEO's wife, she made a good impression but needed to more an edge of she wanted to get the job. So, Marsha went about devising a plan to accidentally run into the CFO's wife in public. Marsha found out where she lunched, where her kids went to school, and what gym she went to.

Marsha and I went over her plan for running into the CFO's wife. What would she wear? What shoes? What would she say? Hair style? And most importantly, what bag would she carry. Women in these circles can be pretty snobby and if you're not from the "right" background or went to the "right" school, they will quickly dismiss you. Marsha didn't check all the right boxes when it came to this matter of "class" so she had to use all her tools at her disposal if she wanted to get the attention of the wife.

Practical Reasons to Buy A Fake Hermes Birkin Bag

Marsha devised her plan for "accidentally" running into the wife and she chose the handbag she would carry for their "chance" meeting: her off-white Birkin 25 with gold hardware. The CFO's wife had actually been carrying a mixed material Birkin 25 at the conference. So the wife clearly liked Birkin bags.

Marsha tried a few times for the "chance meeting" by lunching at the same restaurant the wife went to. She even got a membership at the wife's gym. No luck. But on Marsha's 5th try, she ran finally into the wife at the wife's favorite restaurant. Marsha actually camped out at a bookstore directly across the street until she knew the wife would arrive and when she saw the black town car pull up and the wife get out, Marsha scrambled out of the cafe and across the street to the restaurant.

Practical Reasons to Buy A Fake Hermes Birkin Bag

Marsha made her presence known and the wife immediately took notice of Marsha's bag. She had no idea it was fake. She told Marsha that she'd wanted the exact color Birkin but was worried it would dirty too fast. The wife stood, gushing over Marsha's Birkin a few minutes more and invited her to lunch. The rest is history...

I looked up Marsha's LinkedIn profile the other day. She's now the vice president of accounts at the same company. Marsha spent $2,700.00 on that super copy Birkin... She's such a faker.

Reason 2: Get a fake Birkin to attract the client of your dreams.

Practical Reasons to Buy A Fake Hermes Birkin Bag

While going to a city college in New York, I had the chance to meet lots of people who worked gigs to pay for college. I met one girl in my seventeenth century poetry class who was bartending in the Manhattan while taking courses during the day. We became friends because she was always late for class (from tending bar late nights) and would ask me to catch her up on our classwork. We remained friends even after I graduated (I actually graduated at 28 and she was 23 at the time).

A year after I graduated, she confided in me and let me in on a secret (we'll call her Victoria): Victoria had been stripping at nightclubs in the city ever since she was a freshmen. I told her that it didn't seem much of a secret because there's lots of girls that dance. Then she let me in on an even deeper secret: she was offering "services" to some of the customers at her club. I said, "do tell!" From there, Vicki had no issues with being forthcoming with me about how she made money because I didn't judge her.

Practical Reasons to Buy A Fake Hermes Birkin Bag

Vicki eventually revealed that she had a profile on a few high end escorting websites. Listening to her talk about her forays as a companion was always the highlight of me week because, in comparison, I led rather a dull life. I was engrossed in this double-life she led that was actually a bit more extravagant than I thought it would be. She went on dinner dates, trips to exotic locations, and always rode around in Uber black. With the money she was making, Vicki didn't need a degree. But she wanted a college degree as a fall-back plan. Her main goal was to marry wealthy.

Vicki had her eye set on one particular client that was known amongst elite escorts in the city. He was a billionaire and, physically, Vicki was just his type. But Vicki didn't have the visual marketing she needed to hook him. She told me that, apparently, he scrolls through profiles and looks for the most "elite" companions. I didn't understand what that meant so she showed me profiles of the elite companions he was known to have seen: these women were used to being spoiled because their social media profiles had photos of them posing with large bouquets of roses, Rolls Royces, Bentleys, dining out at Michelin star restaurants, and surrounded by boxes of Chanels and Birkins.

Practical Reasons to Buy A Fake Hermes Birkin Bag

Oh... Now I get it.

I told Vicki that in one of my business marketing classes, I learned about "perceived value". It's basically a method of making a product seem like that it's worth more than it really is. I posed the idea of buying a fake Chanel and her posing with the bag on Twitter. She could also rent an exotic car off Turo and I could photograph her coming in/out of the car. Vicki liked the Turo idea but initially scoffed at the fake bag idea. She told me she wouldn't be caught dead pretending to have been gifted a designer bag on social media (she said that other girls had done the same and had been "outed" for it). However, she sat on the idea for a while and eventually came around and asked to see photos of mirror image replicas.

I sent her some photos of super copy Chanels and she was so impressed that she asked to see the holy grail of designer bags: the Hermes Birkin. I sent her some photos from a seller I knew of and she was sold.

Practical Reasons to Buy A Fake Hermes Birkin Bag

When she learned of the price (this one would cost $2,600), she was off the idea and decided to take the cheaper route. Vicki rented a Rolls Royce Phantom off Turo and had a mini "photo shoot" with one of her friends. For the shoot, she wore a black dress slit to the thigh and then posted the photos to her Twitter and Instagram accounts. A week later, she reported that the client liked a few of her photos on Instagram but still hadn't reached out for a date.

Plan B. The $2,600 Birkin.

Vicki's Birkin arrived in 6 days by DHL. She got a 35 in the classic camel brown color. She was so in love. Immediately, the got to taking photos with her new Birkin and even did an unboxing in video. Her dream client reached out to her a few days after she posted the Birkin to her social media.

Practical Reasons to Buy A Fake Hermes Birkin Bag

I have to admit that I was skeptical that a photo of a Birkin bag would land Vicki her dream client. I found it incredible that even men look for material signs of a woman's value (as they're known to mainly focus on the physical aspects). Even in the world of high-end companions, looks only matter to a certain extent. Because Vicki was able to get the client of her dreams (as shallow as he was), using a super copy Birkin. 

I caught up with Vicki a year after I moved out of New York. The last she told me was that her dream client had became her regular client. I don't know if they ever moved beyond that relationship (as it sometimes happens with sex workers and their clients, Vicki told me) but when I last checked Vicki's social media, she'd moved into an upscale high-rise in New York City and appeared to be doing very well. There are even a few new photos of orange gift boxes on her pages... Not sure if they're real, though.


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