Real vs. Fake Hermes Kelly Cut Clutch
We won't be able to compare the leathers on these bags because the genuine Hermes in our example is Swift and the replica is supposed to be Togo. Additionally, because these bags are in different colors (the authentic is Biscuit and the replica could be Gold or Cigare), we won't be able to compare the color of the stitching. However, we can compare overall stitching quality.
1. Lines and Structure
One of the biggest giveaways in a fake Hermes is the structure. And in smaller bags, such as the Kelly Cut, the difference is glaring. Notice how the fake Kelly Cut seems to bulge at the bottom while, overall, the authentic is made to have straight lines. The authentic Kelly Cut is aquiline while fake rounds out all around the bag.
2. Stitching
The uneven lines become even more apparent when you look at the bag from the back but also notice the sloppy stitching. On the tabs that come from inside the bag, the stitching is a little sloppier on the fake. Also, notice that the stitching shape around the right tab doesn't match the one around the tab on the left (the stitching around the left tab is more rounded). Additionally, there are stitches at the back top where there should be none. As mentioned earlier, we cannot compare the color of the stitching on both bags because the leather is not the same color.
2. Hardware
While both bags have a turn-lock closure, notices that the edges of the metal turn-lock on the replica are slightly too rounded while the turn-lock on the authentic maintains fine, straight edges. Additionally, notice that the closure plate on the authentic is far closer to the end of the strap than on the replica. Lastly, the most glaring difference on this replica Kelly Cut is that the closure plate is missing the engraved logo marking.
4. Width of the Bag
The width of the genuine Kelly is slim at the bottom and seems to expand toward the top. The width of the fake clutch is in reverse: wider at the bottom and narrows toward the top. When authenticating an Hermes bag for yourself, definitely turn the bag to the side and have a look at the width. It can reveal quite a bit about the way the bag was built.
5. Does the bag maintain its shape?
When laying the clutch flat, does it maintain its structure or does it seem to collapse into itself? Notice how the authentic Kelly Cut holds its shape. The bag is structured in such a way that the front does not collapse inward from the weight of the hardware and straps when locked and laying flat.
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