2023 Top 7 Louis Vuitton Sellers on DHGate

2023 Top 7 Louis Vuitton Sellers on DHGate
  1. Store Name: hualonglin bags
  2. Store Name: Fall in love with bags
  3. Store Name: Funner bag
  4. Store Name: fashion_womensbags
  5. Store Name: classic Louise
  6. Store Name: sfdjhj
  7. Store Name: designerbags1688

Let's see what each store has to offer and what makes them the best Louis Vuitton seller on DHGate (all the photos below are actual photos of the real bags, taken from customer review photos. To find out how to tell real DHGate customer reviews from fake customer reviews, read our in-depth article on 5 Ways to Spot Fake Reviews on DHGate)...

1. Store Name: hualonglin bags

Best-selling Bag: Pochette Félicie Designer Clutch Purse + Chain | M61276

Total Feedback Rating: 99.1%

2023 Top 7 Louis Vuitton Sellers on DHGate

2023 Top 7 Louis Vuitton Sellers on DHGate
real customer review photos

This item was $28.22 at the time I found this seller. This seller has received great reviews for their products. Even though most of their LV bags are AAA grade, they still rate high for customer service. The photos above are customer review photos of their Pochette Félicie Designer Clutch Purse. This is their best-selling item. It is clear why. Their bags come with logo Louis Vuitton packaging! That's always a huge plus for me. The reason being that logo packaging helps replicas retain their value when you need to resell to another replica buyer.

What I don't like about this bag is that the logos are a bit too dark. This is common for AAA grade LV replicas - the logos aren't bright enough. However, the quality of the interior on this bag and the interior color is amazing.

2. Store Name: Fall in love with bags

Best-selling Bag: OnTheGo MM Monogram | M45321

Total Feedback Rating: 99%

2023 Top 7 Louis Vuitton Sellers on DHGate

2023 Top 7 Louis Vuitton Sellers on DHGate
real customer review photos

This item was $155.28 at the time I found this seller. This Louis Vuitton store has stellar ratings. If you look at the quality of their OnTheGo bag, you can see why. This is an AAAAA quality bag which is why the color is actually done well. However, there does seem to be a problem with the coloring at the bottom of the side of the bag (in the second photo above). It's possible that the material on the other side of that area is making the outside of the bag appear darker than it really is.

An issue that I have with replica oversized totes is there will inevitably be a crease in the bag when it's delivered. With cheaper quality bags, the bag will even be folded more than once! (what a nightmare). But the seller knows that a bag of mid-range quality shouldn't be folded too much. The quality of the material will retain the crease long after the bag is unfolded after delivery.

Now, the OnTheGo bag in the MM size is not folded when sold by actual Louis Vuitton boutiques. It comes in a deep gift box and the bag is placed inside the box without being folded. This is because the bottom of the authentic bag is very structured and not conducive to folding! However, again, with this DHGate seller, we're dealing with an AAAAA quality bag that was intentionally built to fold flat and make for easy shipping.

However, the bottom structure of this seller's OnTheGo does not take too much away from its overall beauty. This is definitely an item I would add to my collection.

3. Store Name: Funner bag

Best-selling Bag: Neverfull Damier Ebene MM | N41358

Total Feedback Rating: 98%

2023 Top 7 Louis Vuitton Sellers on DHGate

2023 Top 7 Louis Vuitton Sellers on DHGate
real customer review photos

This item was $32.18 at the time I found this seller. This bag is from another Louis Vuitton DHGate seller with decent ratings. This is a great LV store because all their prices are accessible. They sell AAA quality products and their price reflects that. Sometimes, sellers with AAA quality stores will jack up their prices to around $50 but AAA quality does not warrant that price.

The bag that I picked from there store is the classic Neverfull MM in Damier Ebene. Definitely my favorite Louis Vuitton style because Damier is a more sophisticated classic and goes with everything

Even though the quality is AAA, this Damier Neverfull is surprisingly decent. While the straps are definitely not leather and definitely appear to be AAA quality, the canvas is actually pretty good. The color and texture, and structure of the bag is pretty good for this price. If you're looking for a very affordable Neverfull, then I wouldn't pass this one up.

4. Store Name: fashion_womensbags

Best-selling Bag: OnTheGo GM in Sunrise Pastel | M46076

Total Feedback Rating: 98.3%

2023 Top 7 Louis Vuitton Sellers on DHGate
real customer review photos

This item was $109.32 at the time I found this seller. This seller was chosen because they have more of the most recent style bags. Many DHGate sellers prefer to carry the classics but this seller is keeping up with the times.

They have a decent feedback score but I'm especially impressed with their Sunrise Pastel OnTheGo bag. Unfortunately, there weren't many photo reviews of this particular style and color. But from the one customer review photo above, I can tell that this bag is worth the price.

This bag is difficult to replicate which is why, even though the quality of the shoulder straps isn't great, the bag is still over $100.00. But again, this is a limited edition style and at around $100, you don't want to let this go. Limited edition replica styles are not kept in production just as with the actual Louis Vuitton brand.

What I also like about this bag is that the bottom is structured properly like the authentic. The bottom of the authentic OnTheGo bag is supposed to be rounded at the longer sides and not completely flat. This factory did a good job of maintaining that aspect of this LV replica.

5. Store Name: classic Louise

Best-selling Bag: Pochette Métis Monogram Reverse | M44876

Total Feedback Rating: 98.7%

2023 Top 7 Louis Vuitton Sellers on DHGate
real customer review photos

This item was $37.70 at the time I found this seller. When looking for a Louis Vuitton seller on DHGate, you want to go for sellers with feedback scores above 98.5%. That is part of the reason why this seller was chosen. Other than that, they have the perfect assortment of AAA quality bags.

At one time, I was dying for the Monogram Reverse Metis because that color contrast is incredible. However, I wanted a slightly smaller sling for days out in the city and the Metis is a bit too large for me. However, being one of the newer style LV bags, I see why this style seems to have made it to their permanent collection. The Metis is a miniaturized briefcase. Briefcases in general are a classic style which makes the Metis such a great choice for the permanent collection at Louis Vuitton.

If you've never seen the Metis before, it does come with a monogram shoulder strap. However, I do love the handle on the top. Small top handle bags turn a sling bag into an elegant clutch. 

6. Store Name: sfdjhj

Best-selling Bag: Monogram Canvas Bum Bag | M43644

Total Feedback Rating: 98.4%

2023 Top 7 Louis Vuitton Sellers on DHGate

2023 Top 7 Louis Vuitton Sellers on DHGate
real customer review photos

This item was $19.31 at the time I found this seller. This store has the cheapest AAA quality bags I've seen on DHGate yet. But while most of the bags they carry are cheap in price, the quality is surprisingly good!

The color doesn't look too bad on their Louis Vuitton Bum Bag however, the logos are a bit too orange in tint. But the main brown color and texture of the rest of the canvas is very good. In general, the Bum Bag is an accessory that you buy strictly for looks and not quality. It's a bag for running errands or traveling through the airport. It's a way to elevate your outfit without trying too hard. Buy this cheap replica version of the LV Bum Bag and save your money for the more elegant replicas like an Alma or Papillon.

7. Store Name: designerbags1688

Best-selling Bag: Multi Pochette Accessoires | M44813

Total Feedback Rating: 94.9%

2023 Top 7 Louis Vuitton Sellers on DHGate
real customer review photo

This item was $34.79 at the time I found this seller. This seller has a lot of the popular LV styles but they are superior in customer service and shipping times. To rise to the top of the ranks in DHGate stores, a seller has to consistently ship out on time and ship goods that are (mostly) free of defects. This Louis Vuitton seller has achieved both.

Their Multi Pochette Accessoires is one of the accessoires of the moment because it one of Louis Vuitton's more recent styles. You can see that the quality of their canvas is lacking (the brown in the canvas appears splotchy) as well as the quality of the strap. But again, this is a bag that is strictly for the looks and not for "flexing".

For this type of quality, I would actually opt for a different color strap (as there are several) such as black.


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