Best DHGate Seller for Goyard St. Louis Dupe Tote

Best DHGate Seller for Goyard St. Louis Dupe Tote (RepLadies)

While the Goyard St. Louis is seemingly a simple bag in both print and style, it's been one of the most difficult reps to find in mirror image quality (I mean, true mirror image quality). I've given up trying to find the holy grail Goyard replica and I've resigned to just buying AAA quality from DHGate. There are some known sellers with mirror image replicas whose Goyard bags sell for over $200 but the accuracy still isn't there. Here are the main problems with replica Goyard St. Louis totes...

  1. "Y"s don't touch.
  2. Color is inaccurate.
  3. Size is off.

Regardless, I have found a seller on DHGate whose Goyard replicas are pretty decent and at an amazing price. I've been buying Goyards from them for about 6 years. Scroll to the bottom to get the seller's information...

Best DHGate Seller for Goyard St. Louis Dupe Tote (RepLadies)

This is the actual St. Louis tote I purchased from my DHGate seller. It's supposed to be the GM size. But if you know the GM size well, then you can tell, right away, that the bag should stand taller than this...

Best DHGate Seller for Goyard St. Louis Dupe Tote (RepLadies)
authentic Goyard St. Louis GM

Notice how the authentic one above is taller than my replica...

But for only about $75 USD, it's a very good replica. It actually rivals the more expensive Goyard replicas from sellers such as Alice (a well-known independent seller). Let's have a closer look at the qualities of this bag...

Best DHGate Seller for Goyard St. Louis Dupe Tote (RepLadies)

Here's a view of the side. I'm not sure how logos are supposed to line up at the seams of a Goyard tote. But honestly, this is not an aspect of the bag I pay much attention to when I buy a replica...

Best DHGate Seller for Goyard St. Louis Dupe Tote (RepLadies)

Now, if you've spent time in any online replica community, you're familiar with the "touching Y's" debate. Should they or shouldn't they? Most say that the Y's on the authentic Goyard should touch but others say that even on authentic Goyards, the Y's sometimes don't touch... I've never seen Y's not touch on an authentic Goyard but I've also not seen many authentics up-close... So I may be the wrong person to ask...

Anyhow, I definitely prefer that my replica Goyards have "touching Y's". I mean, it's only civilized...

Best DHGate Seller for Goyard St. Louis Dupe Tote (RepLadies)

Here's a side-by-side comparison of a real and fake St. Louis GM in black. There's not a huge difference... except for the color. And it's not easy to see but the orange part of the Y on the authentic is brighter in color than on the replica. And this brings me to my next point: accuracy of color on replica Goyards.

The color is never quite right. Over the last 4 or 5 years, there's definitely been improvement from the factories in regards to color. But still, the color of these replicas always ends up leaving a bad taste in my mouth. I'll own a replica St. Louis GM for a year but then put it on the second-hand replica market because the color is sickening to me. I'll then vow to get an authentic Goyard and I almost did, once. But the thought of spending $1,700 on a canvas tote that was so very much like this $75 replica snapped me back into my senses. I couldn't do it. $1,700 for an authentic St. Louis GM when the $75 dupe version was so much like it? Oh, God, no...

Here's another view of the canvas on the replica (good God, those non-touching Y's still bother me so much)...

Best DHGate Seller for Goyard St. Louis Dupe Tote (RepLadies)

And here's the interior...

Best DHGate Seller for Goyard St. Louis Dupe Tote (RepLadies)

And the bottom...

Best DHGate Seller for Goyard St. Louis Dupe Tote (RepLadies)

And the packaging...

Best DHGate Seller for Goyard St. Louis Dupe Tote (RepLadies)

Aren't the dust bags for Goyards supposed to be yellow?

Best DHGate Seller for Goyard St. Louis Dupe Tote (RepLadies)

You can buy there DHGate Goyard St. Louis GM here.


If you have any questions about my dupe, let me know in the comments!


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