How to Find the Highest Quality Dupes on DHGate (2023 Guide)
Let's go into more detail below.
1. Set up a price filter minimum of $150.00.
Setting your price filter to a minimum of $150 will remove all of the mid-quality fakes from your search results. The highest quality fakes you can find on DHGate will start at $150...
Since pricey replicas are not abundant on DHGate, you may have to scroll way down to find the results you're looking for.
2. Use the search phrase "10A handbags".
A select number of sellers have started to use "10A" in their listing titles to signify a higher quality product. The caveat is that using "10A" + [handbag name]" in your search phrase is not likely to yield enough search results. Instead, use the phrase "10A handbags" and scroll through the limited number of listings to see if someone is selling your style in "10A" quality...
If the presence of two prices beneath each listing is confusing you, know that the first price is the seller's lowest wholesale price and the second price is actually the price for one handbag.
3. Check the quality of the handbag in customer review photos.
So, how do we know the quality of the handbag matches the price? Check the photos in the customer reviews...
Sellers have the option of hiding their customer review photos on DHGate. They sometimes do this to decrease the risk of their listing being taken down for selling dupes. Don't be surprised if you save an item with review photos but, later on in the day, the review photos are no longer visible.
Please also know that not all reviews are written by real customers. Sometimes, sellers hire people to write fake reviews for their products. Please read this article to find out how to tell fake reviews from real reviews on DHGate.
4. If there are no customer review photos, ask the seller for real photos.
Most of the higher quality dupes on DHGate will not have customer review photos. If the product has no customer review photos, it will be missing the star rating normally found above the price on the product page...
If the product has no customer reviews, reach out to the seller and ask if they can send you real photos of the bag...
Some sellers will give you their Whatsapp phone number and ask you to message them there. That's fine. However, use only use Whatsapp to accept photos or discuss anything related to the replica aspects of the bag (stamps, logo packaging, authenticity cards, monograms).
But when it comes to everything else such as measurements, type of materials used, and especially shipping information, keep that part of the conversation on DHGate! If the seller does not fulfill their end of the bargain and you need DHGate to mediate in the dispute, DHGate will want to read the conversation between you and the buyer.
When sellers are asked for "real photos", most of them send photos from their suppliers (and many sellers use the same supplier!). Supplier photos are usually shot professionally and can look like this (but without the watermarks)...
But if you're not satisfied with the photos the supplier sends you, ask the seller to send you photos that include their store name written on a piece of paper. This will force them to retrieve the real bag and take a photo themselves. You definitely want to do this on items priced $500 and up. If the seller wants your sale, they will comply.
5. Find more high quality dupe listings in the "Picks for You" section.
Your search doesn't have to end on the main search results page. All product pages have a "Picks for You" section. The "Picks for You" section will show you listings that are very difficult to find. This section is fantastic because it will usually show you handbags in the same price range. And when searching for high quality dupes, the price attribute is nearly the only tool you have on DHGate.
But please note that the listings shown in the "Picks for You" section will not necessarily be the same as the product you're viewing. However, this section can be helpful because it will show you more dupes in a higher price range with products of higher quality...
If you're still a beginner to shopping dupes on DHGate, check out our step by step, ultimate guide on how to use DHGate for finding dupes.
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