Top 5 Reasons Not to Buy Designer Replicas from DHGate

Top 5 Reasons Not to Buy Designer Replicas from DHGate

Top 5 Reasons Not to Buy Designer Replicas from DHGate

Should you buy fakes from DHGate? Well, it's certainly tempting given the pricing. But the answer will depend on what's important to you. Maybe you have strong ethics. Some people prefer not to buy designer fakes because they're uncomfortable with infringing on the copyrights of their favorite designers. Or maybe you prefer quality? While it's certainly possible to find high quality replicas on DHGate, the vast majority are not made with top quality craftsmanship.

Let's get into all the reasons why one would not prefer buying designer replica handbags from DHGate...

  1. Buying fakes is supporting copyright infringement.
  2. Most designer fakes don't hold up over time.
  3. Overseas shipping isn't always reliable.
  4. Someone will call you out for wearing a fake.
  5. Replica sellers can scam you.

1. Buying fakes is supporting copyright infringement.

Top 5 Reasons Not to Buy Designer Replicas from DHGate

Most of the large designer houses are just nameless, faceless, corporations to me. I don't have any emotional attachment to their business dealings (unless it involves child labor or farming animals for their skins).

However, I certainly would be livid and miserable if factories in China started knocking off designs from my increasingly successful new accessories brand. In fact, this is what happened Telfar. They'd gained a lot of notoriety on social media and worked their way up to selling out their popular mid-range logo totes only to have their designs start showing up on DHGate.

Top 5 Reasons Not to Buy Designer Replicas from DHGate
Telfar mini logo shopping totes from DHGate

Now, you can get Telfar's shopping totes on counterfeit marketplaces for a fraction of the cost. As a fairly new company, I'd be interested to know if Telfar had the resources to shut down independent websites selling their knockoffs. This is a great example of how replica sellers can hurt brands. It's very possible that Telfar is losing a percentage of their sales to knockoff websites such as DHGate.

2. Most designer fakes don't hold up over time.

Top 5 Reasons Not to Buy Designer Replicas from DHGate

This is one of the more obvious reasons to not buy fake handbags off DHGate. The vast majority of replicas are of subpar, less than mid-grade quality. The bags will hold up for several years just as would a cheap handbag you would buy from Macy's - the quality isn't much different. However, the quality of the bag makes itself ever more present with wear. Once the quality starts to show, the bag looks a lot less authentic.

Top 5 Reasons Not to Buy Designer Replicas from DHGate

For example, the above is a high quality Louis Vuitton Neverfull MM in Damier Ebene. Despite this bag being of higher quality, after a few years, it looks more fake than authentic. The leather is chipping off the straps and a stitching is popping out. Authentic Louis Vuitton handbags hold up better than this. However, this is the kind of quality you can expect from replica LV bags off DHGate.

Top 5 Reasons Not to Buy Designer Replicas from DHGate
Louis Vuitton Monogram Bum Bag from DHGate

But again, keep in mind that most fake handbags on DHGate are of even lower quality. The quality gives itself away on brand new bags such as the one above. The Louis Vuitton authentic Bum Bag on the left shows how the shape of this waist bag should look. But the photo on the right shows a replica Monogram Bum Bag with a collapsed, crumped shape. A fake like this is a dead giveaway and not worth buying.

3. Overseas shipping isn't always reliable.

Top 5 Reasons Not to Buy Designer Replicas from DHGate

If you're buying a fake Gucci belt bag from DHGate, ten times out of ten, the package will ship from China. However, many people have had their items lost during transit (I always imagine my order falling off the back of a ship when being sent by sea and falling into the water). When a package is lost in the mail, DHGate will usually step in to refund your money if the seller is unwilling to. However, DHGate is not always quick to resolve issues like these or even be fair about it. So... buyer beware.

Top 5 Reasons Not to Buy Designer Replicas from DHGate

Secondly, although it's never happened to me, customs can and will confiscate your DHGate replicas. However, this usually only happens with large orders and it also depends on your country. In the United States, your package from China may only get held up if the customs suspects that you are importing a large number of replicas accessories. However, it's been known to happen to smaller packages too. If and when customs confiscates your package, the seller will most definitely not refund your order. You can consider that money flushed down the drain.

4. Someone will call you out for wearing a fake.

Most designer fakes on DHGate are not mirror image quality and it is obvious. It's obvious to someone who is used to buying designer handbags. When you've owned authentic high end bags, you know what quality looks like. And it's not that you can't get very high quality replica bags on DHGate. However, the vast majority don't measure up to the quality of authentic brands.

Take the Louis Vuitton Palm Springs mini backpack. You can find an abundance of this style in mid-grade quality on DHGate. However, if you're spending under $100 for it, it's likely to be a very obvious fake...

Top 5 Reasons Not to Buy Designer Replicas from DHGate
Louis Vuitton Palm Springs backpack from DHGate

At a glance, the replica Palm Springs backpack above could be authentic, but the flaws are easily noticeable. The gold hardware is too deep golden yellow. There's not perfect symmetry when you look at the bag head on: notice how the right back side seems to bulge out. This is definitely a bag that someone would call out as fake. And that can be really embarrassing...

Top 5 Reasons Not to Buy Designer Replicas from DHGate
Louis Vuitton OnTheGo Empreinte from DHGate

Now, even if you can manage to find mirror image replica on DHGate, it will still have noticeable flaws (mirror image replicas usually cost $400 and up). This Louis Vuitton Empreinte OnTheGo is mirror image but most mirror image replicas should have shoddy craftsmanship on the interior. If anyone were to catch a glimpse of the inside of your purse, they would know its a fake. Notice how the fabric on the interior of this fake tote is bunchy and rumpled.

5. Replica sellers can scam you.

Top 5 Reasons Not to Buy Designer Replicas from DHGate

Counterfeit accessories are always a scam on DHGate. Here's why: the quality of the item presented in the photo is never the same as the quality of the item you will actually receive. Sellers use bait-and-switch tactics to sell their products.

Top 5 Reasons Not to Buy Designer Replicas from DHGate
Chanel Quilted Flap from DHGate

Take this quilted caviar Chanel flap from DHGate, for instance. The main product photos show a very well crafted handbag...

Top 5 Reasons Not to Buy Designer Replicas from DHGate

However, these photos tell a different story. The bag seems to wrinkle and crumple. They're not as rigid as the photo shown in the main product image.

But this isn't the only way that sellers lie on DHGate. Sellers also lie through product reviews by posting fake customer reviews. One way to spot a fake customer review is to look for multiple reviews that are nearly worded the same way...

Top 5 Reasons Not to Buy Designer Replicas from DHGate

Now, read the next product review for this Gucci Marmont bag below (same exact product)...

Top 5 Reasons Not to Buy Designer Replicas from DHGate

Also, notice the awkward phrasing used by someone that is supposedly in an English-speaking country. In the context of a handbag, what would make the leather "comfortable"? The speaker was likely searching for another word used to describe handbag material texture or thickness... And remember the strange use of the term "business man" from the first review? That is also repeated in the second review above.

Click here for our definitive guide on how to spot fake product reviews on DHGate.


In conclusion, any way you slice it, buying fake handbags is a losing situation. But what say you? Why do you choose not to buy (or to buy) replica accessories on DHGate?


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