
Showing posts with the label budget

How to dress like a sugar baby on a small budget.

You do not need to spend a lot of money to dress like a sugar baby. You do not need to buy Chanel suits and Christian Louboutin So Kate pumps. However, you do need to buy muted colors and pieces that are not too tight-fitting or scant. The look you want to go for is elegant and classy. You want to appear like a woman who is expensive and used to being taken care of. 1. First, look for quality pieces with muted colors in your closet. Get rid of everything else. Okay. No need to run to the store just yet. You may, in fact, already have some pieces suitable for sugar baby outfits in your closet right now! Go to your closet and look for the following items blazers workplace dresses straight-legged and skinny jeans (no holes or busted knees!) plain t-shirts (no logos or other details!) feminine blouses Now, from that pile, remove the following: garments with too much detail (such as lots of zippers, grommets, and excessive ruffles) garments with multiple patterns (such as blouses with both