You MUST have these Hermes Oran Sandal DHGate Dupes.
When I first bought these dupes, they were actually only $40. But the sellers of most replica Oran sandals have raised their prices since I bought these dupes about 2 years ago. They're now $52.00. --------------------------- Scroll to the bottom to buy these shoes . --------------------------- These Oran dupes have logos. They're true replicas. The Hermes logo is embossed on the inner sole and the packaging has logos. I personally only care about packaging because it helps to raise the value of the item when you want to resell to another replica buyer (hey, hey, Reddit RepLadies!). Otherwise, logos and packaging are useless to me and packaging takes up too much space. But there are some people for whom logos and packaging completes the experience of owning a replica. That's totally understandable. Now, you if you're only interested in the look of the Oran Sandals and don't care for the logos, then I would suggest these Oran dupes from Amazon for $34.99... Now, onto