4 Best Mirror Image Replica Handbags on DHGate

4 Best Mirror Image Replica Handbags on DHGate

DHGate sells very few mirror image replicas. But they're there. I've gone through the process of picking out the best mirror image Louis Vuitton replicas for you and from the most reputable seller.

If you'd like to try your hand at finding mirror image dupes on DHGate, have a look at this in-depth article on how to find mirror image replicas on DHGate.

All of these replicas are sold by the same seller. If you'd like their information, scroll straight to the bottom.

1. Louis Vuitton Boulogne Monogram | M45832, $177.29

4 Best Mirror Image Replica Handbags on DHGate

Unfortunately, this listing had only one customer review photo (seen below). In fact, none of the mirror image replicas in this article have many customer review photos. But the good news is that there's enough evidence that the seller is selling top quality handbags.

Notice that this Boulogne replica does not collapse inward like low quality reps do. Additionally, the canvas is the right color and the logos have that slight tint of green. I also love the fact that this seller offers Louis Vuitton logo packaging for an extra fee.

4 Best Mirror Image Replica Handbags on DHGate
photo of the actual bag

2. Louis Vuitton N44044 Graceful PM in Damier Ebene, $177.29

4 Best Mirror Image Replica Handbags on DHGate

This next bag is simply gorgeous. This is a rare find on DHGate. The Damier Ebene print is difficult to find with accurate colors. But the color is just right on this bag. What is even more surprising is that the structure of the bag was done well. You can see that the bag bulges out at the sides the way the Gracefull PM should.

And just as much, I love the quality shoulder strap! It's thick and symmetrical.

4 Best Mirror Image Replica Handbags on DHGate
photo of the actual bag

3. Louis Vuitton Alma BB | N41221, $177.29

4 Best Mirror Image Replica Handbags on DHGate

This is another incredibly gorgeous Damier Ebene bag. The Alma is one of the most beautiful and classic Louis Vuitton purses. It's only right that you should be able to easily find a mirror image replica for this style!

Once again, the color is done properly with this Damier print. But I am even more impressed with the quality of the hardware. It pairs beautifully with the rick dark color of the canvas. Furthermore, it's not too shiny and brassy like lower quality LV replicas...

4 Best Mirror Image Replica Handbags on DHGate
photo of the actual bag

This bag also comes with a packaging option. Do you see that box?! Gorg. Who can resist a big tangerine-colored Louis Vuitton gift box. Look closely and it also appear that the key fob is customizable.

4 Best Mirror Image Replica Handbags on DHGate
photo of the actual bag

4. Louis Vuitton OnTheGo MM | M45321, $177.29

4 Best Mirror Image Replica Handbags on DHGate

Ah, the piece de resistance of the 2019 Louis Vuitton collection. This is such an amazing bag. There are some bags you can get away with purchasing in lower quality but this definitely isn't one of them. If you get this style, try your best to get the highest quality.

The issue I see most with A or AAA quality OnTheGo replicas is the structure. This is a pretty structured bag but the lower quality tends to be too floppy. In reality, it's a very structured tote.

If you look at the customer review photos of this mirror image replica below, you can see that this OnTheGo is very structured. Even better, the color is just right.

4 Best Mirror Image Replica Handbags on DHGate
photo of the actual bag
4 Best Mirror Image Replica Handbags on DHGate
photo of the actual bag
4 Best Mirror Image Replica Handbags on DHGate
photo of the actual bag

Here is the seller information for these mirror image replicas on DHGate: RAINBOW BAG Store


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